In the introductory session I will explain how the soul system works and introduce the core negative beliefs we hold about ourselves. We will start to zero in on the one that is showing up the most for you and begin to uncover how it is affecting your day-to-day life. You will see how these beliefs create patterns that stop us from reaching our full potential. These can range from always making less money than co-workers because you believe you are not worthy to consistently attracting people into your life who take advantage of you because you feel undeserving or unlovable. We’ll work closely with your Spiritual Guides through my Spiritual Guides to lay the groundwork for a more joyful life.
We continue to work with the Guides to further explore the beliefs that may be affecting your self-worth, relationships, and other aspects of your life. We will learn when and why they were put into place and how we can change the thought behind the belief.
These sessions are set up to empower you to understand on a deeper level what it is that has been holding you back and how to reclaim your life.
This package is made up of six sessions spread out over several weeks.